CrossFit PPG – CrossFit

Saturday Partner Metcon

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

In teams of 2, complete the following:

A. 7 minute AMRAP

While Partner A performs 15 Calories on the AB, Partner B will acquire max reps of Wall Balls (20/14) at a 10′ target. Switch after Partner A completes calories. Continue this until time expires.

REST 90 Seconds

B. 7 minute AMRAP

While Partner A performs 15 Calories on the ski, Partner B will acquire max reps of pull ups. Switch after Partner A completes calories. Continue this until time expires.

REST 90 seconds

C. 7 minute AMRAP

While Partner A performs a 200m run, Partner B will acquire max reps of med ball russian twists. Switch after Partner A completes run. Continue this until time expires.

REST 90 seconds

D. 4 minute AMRAP of MAX effort Burpees. Acquire as needed.