CrossFit PPG – CrossFit
Saturday Partner Metcon
Metcon (3 Rounds for calories)
In teams of 2, complete the following:
A. 9 min AMRAP for Max Cals
-3 Rounds each of
*5 burpees
*7 sit ups
*9 air squats
THEN is time remaining, Max Cals on Ski
2 minute rest then
B. 9 minute AMRAP for max cals
-3 rounds each
*5 plate G2O (45/35)
*7 Box Jumps (24/20)
*9 Plate OH Lunge in place (45/35)
THEN in time remaining, max cals on row
2 minute rest
C. 9 minute AMRAP for max cals
-3 rounds each
*5 KBS (53/35)
*7 KB goblet squats
*9 KB Push Press
THEN in time remaining, max cals on AB
***Score is max cals for each section.