CrossFit PPG – CrossFitWarm UpA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: Snatch + Overhead Squat x 3 (1-1-1)Custom MetconC: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)Every minute on the minute, for 20 minutes,...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitWhat a difference a day can make… #neverforget#honoreachdayWarm-upA: Athletes Choice – General & Dynamic (No Measure)Spend 20 minutes stretching, rolling, banding, and preparing to WOD.MetconB: 9-11 Tribute WOD (Time)For...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitWarm UpA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: MelodieFor load; 3 Deadlift +3 Hang Power Cleans + 3 JerksCustom MetconB: Metcon (Time)Complete 5 rounds for time of: 10...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitWarm-upA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: Push Press (4-4-2-2)Custom MetconC: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitSaturday Partner MetconMetcon (Time)In teams of 2, complete 4 rounds for time: 26 Burpees 24 Pull Ups 66 Mountain Climbers 24 Thrusters (75/55) 26 Barbell OH Stationary Lunges (75/55) 66 Double Unders 24 Calorie Ski *Only one person...