CrossFit PPG – CrossFitWith heavy hearts we dedicate this workout to Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree who was killed in Al Kut, Iraq on Thursday June 8th. To Daniel’s family and friends, we express our sorrow; to his wife Kathy and daughter Mallory, we...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitWarm-upB: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.B: Clean and Jerk (2-2-2)Custom MetconC: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitWarm-upA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: Muscle Snatch (3-3-3)Custom MetconC: Metcon (Time)Complete 8 rounds for time of: 10 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs) 8 Dumbell Snatch...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitWarm-upA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: “Pick your Poison” (1-1-1)Choose a lift or gymnastic movement you need to (or want to) work on…you have 20...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitWarm-upA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: Power Clean (3-3-3)Custom MetconC: Metcon (Time)Complete the following for time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Power Clean (135/95...