CrossFit PPG Programs
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CrossFit is quite simply “the sport of fitness,” and provides the ideal way for any athlete at any fitness level to improve their overall health and fitness.

CrossFit Classes

The CrossFit classes are the core of CrossFit. Each class is a one-hour long group class that led by a CrossFit coach. They develop broad and general fitness to get you ready for whatever life demands.

In these classes, you experience:


Instruction from CrossFit coaches


Mobility and stretching


Skill development


Strength training


Metabolic conditioning


Customizations and scaling when necessary


Inspiring group class environment

CF-PPG Fit Happens Classes

In addition to our traditional CrossFit programming, we also offer a CF-PPG Fit Happens class. It is a slight twist on regular programming with a cardio-focused class incorporating strength training at light to moderate loads and high intensity functional movements. Anyone is welcome and no foundations or CrossFit experience is required to start. All current PPG members are welcome to attend this class.

Contact us for more details or to schedule your first free session.

Beginner Classes

Everyone has to start somewhere and learning the fundamentals is a key to success. In CrossFit, we believe in M.C.I., which stands to Mechanics, Consistency and Intensity. This means that an athlete must first learn the proper mechanics of the movements. Then, they need to preform them with consistency, and then, and only then, should they move on to intensity. CrossFit is all about getting results and it takes intensity to get the results, but athletes must have the proper foundation to do so.

Our programs for beginners are customized for each athlete. There may be times when beginner classes teach the fundamental elements. At other times, an additional coach will work with beginners during a CrossFit class. These may be 1-on-1 or in small breakout groups. All the movements can be modified and scaled to each athlete while maintaining a cohesive group environment.

Contact us for more details or to schedule your introduction and first free session.

Corporate Programs

Organizations all around the world are finding that well-organized, high-intensity, group fitness programs, such as CrossFit corporate programs, not only build community and increase the morale of the employees, but also help to reduce health related costs.

The typical poorly attended office exercise room with elliptical machines does not do much to deliver results or build community. Instead, those who have implemented CrossFit programs have found great success.

Mike Coradano, president of HGST says it helps with employee heath and community at his company. “We’re in the midst of a big, strategic transformation as a company. CrossFit’s one of the things we’re using to enable transformation.” Around the globe, about 1,000 HGST employees are participating in CrossFit, according to Cordano. “When I look around and see everybody totally engaged, totally committed, cheering each other on, (you) couldn’t make me more proud of what we’re doing here,” he says.

Employees may work together for years and pass each other in the halls without ever speaking with each other, but when they complete together in CrossFit, special bonds are formed. Creating a culture where your employees are fit and cheering each other on breeds an environment of success for the organization.

At CrossFit PPG, we can come to your office to implement a CrossFit program if you have the space or you can use our location. In addition, we work with partners in nutrition, sleep and other aspects of health to help reduce your overall health related costs while improving employee productivity. Contact us for further details on how companies are implementing these programs and for a free analysis on how it would impact your employee’s health and your bottom line.

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