CrossFit PPG – CrossFit

This is the last full volume week before we start a gradual deload into the first week of the Crossfit Open. This will still feel like a difficult week, especially with the 11min intervals, for the strength work. There has been some effort to reduce the difficulty of the WODs. They are meant to be more of a conditioning session, than something that will leave you lying on the ground for an hour.


A: Coach Led Warmup (No Measure)


Custom Metcon

B: Deadlift (11Min Amrap @ 70%)

C: Metcon (Time)

Complete 6 rounds for time of;

5 Hand Release Push Ups

7 Pull Ups

25 Double Unders
Rx+ – Handstand Push Ups / Chest to Bar pullups

~ Compare to 01/22/2018