CrossFit PPG – CrossFit


Coach Led Warmup (No Measure)


B: Skills & Drills (No Measure – 6 Minutes)

This time will be used to work the technique and skill to achieve perfection in movement, dynamics, and efficiency. Stay at or under 60% of your 1RM for the duration of this session.

C: Overhead Squat (10-10-10)

~ Weight will be taken from the floor

Custom Metcon

D: Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

In teams of 2, complete the following for reps in each round;

i. Alternating full rounds, complete as many rounds an reps as possible in 5 minutes of;

6 Hang Cleans (60% of 1RM)

9 Box Jumps (24/20)


ii. Alternating full rounds, complete as many rounds an reps as possible in 5 minutes of;

10 Deadlifts

10 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)


iii. Alternating full rounds, complete as many rounds an reps as possible in 5 minutes of;

6 Shoulder to Overhead

9 KB Swings (53/35 lbs)
~ Deadlift /S2OH weights will be same as HPC from section i.