CrossFit PPG – CrossFit

A: Athletes Choice (No Measure)

10 Minutes

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

In Teams of Two Complete the following for Rounds and Reps in 24.5 Minutes

30/20/10 DU/WB (20/14)- *Each**Every Break 5 Burpees

30/20/10 t2b/KB (53/35) *Each **Every Break 5 Burpees

30/20/10 FR DB Lunge (50/35/20) *Each**Every Break 5 Burpees

30/20/10 WB Sit Up (20/14/10) *Each

15/10/5 Box Step Over with DB in Farmer Carry (20″Box) *Each (50/35/20)

3 100 yard gassers each

*partner b can start through their required reps after partner a finishes burpees

C: Plank (Max Plank Hold on Elbows)