CrossFit PPG – CrossFit


A: Coach Led Warmup (No Measure)


B: Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

Work through the four AMRAPS. Each section will be for accumulated reps.

A: 4 Minutes

5 burpees


15 Air Squats

Rest 1 Minute

B: 4 Minutes

5 Tuck Jumps

10 Shoulder Press with straight object (i.e. broom/shovel)

15 Overhead Reverse Lunges w/ same object

Rest 1 Minute

C: 4 Minutes

Accumulate 800M, if not, run 2 minutes out and faster on the way back

(800 is score, less the distance not completed)

Rest 1 Minute

D: 4 Minutes

5 jumps to 20″/24″ or elevated position

10 Deadlifts with weighted object (i.e. suitcase, backpack with water jugs)

15 Power Snatch with object from Section B

Assessory Work

C: Mobility & Recovery