CrossFit PPG – CrossFit

A: Athletes Choice (No Measure)

10 Minutes

B: Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

In Teams of Two:

Every 10 Minutes for 20 Minutes (2 sets) for max calories/reps:

2 Minutes of Pull UPs

2 Minutes of DB Goblet

Squats (50/35/20)

2 Minutes of Push UPs

2 Minutes of Row/Bike

2 Minutes of Hang DB Clean (50/35/20) Two Bells

Rest 2 minutes

Every 7.5 Minutes for 15 Minutes (2 sets) for max reps

90 seconds of DB STO (50/35/20) Two DBells

90 Seconds of Hollow Rocks

90 Seconds OHead DB Lunge (1 Arm) (50/35/20)

90 Seconds of Burpees

Run 200 Together (rest remainder of this section to start next set)

:X Split as needed