CrossFit PPG – CrossFitSaturday Partner MetconMetcon (3 Rounds for calories)In teams of 2, complete the following: A. 9 min AMRAP for Max Cals -3 Rounds each of *5 burpees *7 sit ups *9 air squats THEN is time remaining, Max Cals on Ski 2 minute rest then B. 9...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-upA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: “Pick your Poison” (1-1-1)Choose a lift or gymnastic movement you need to (or want to)...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-upA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: Shoulder series (Total Weight)Shoulder Press (1 Rep Max)Push Jerk (1 Rep Max)Push Press (1 Rep...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-upA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: Muscle Snatch (3-3-3)Custom MetconC: CrossFit Games Open 22.1 RX (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP –...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-upA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: Clean and Jerk (1-1-1)Custom MetconC: Metcon (Time)Complete the following for time: For time: 15...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-upA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: Front Squat (6-6-4-4-2-2)Custom MetconC: Metcon (Time)Complete 2 rounds for time of: 800M Run 20 Pull...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitSaturday Partner MetconMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)In teams of 2, split work evenly to achieve as many rounds and reps as possible in 36 minutes: 500M Row / 500M Ski 40 Air Squats 50 Med Ball Sit Ups (20/14) 40 Wall Balls (20/14)...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-upA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: “Pick your Poison” (1-1-1)Choose a lift or gymnastic movement you need to (or want to)...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-upA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: Hang clean + Clean (1-1-1)Perform one hang clean and then one clean. (You must hang onto the...
CrossFit PPG – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWarm-upA: Warm-up Option (No Measure)Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.WeightliftingB: Deadlift (5-5-5)MetconC: CrossFit Games Open 22.2 RX (Ages 16-54)...