CrossFit PPG – CrossFit
A: Warm-up Option (No Measure)
Use this time to follow a coach led warmup or athletes choice.
B: Split Jerk (2-2-1-1)
Custom Metcon
B: Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
4 Minute AMRAP x 3
Complete as many rounds and reps in 4 minutes of:
5 Deadlift (95/65 lbs)
3 Hang Power Cleans (95/65 lbs)
1 Jerk
3 Power Cleans (95/65 lbs)
25 Double Unders
*Rest 2 minutes*
Complete the AMRAP two additional times with another 2 minute rest between set 2 and 3.
* Start each AMRAP section with the 5 Deadlifts
* Score will be reps across each individual AMRAP
Rx+ ~ 135lbs