CrossFit PPG – CrossFit

Saturday Partner Wod

Metcon (Time)

In teams of 2, complete for time:

A: 800 Meter Run (together)

Then 120 Abmat Sit Ups*

* Athletes may only perform sit ups while partner is bear hugging a sandbag. You may switch as often as you like but reps are to be split evenly. If you have not finished, stop for needed rest at the 9 minute mark.

When the clock reaches 10:00…

B: 800 Meter Run (together)

Then 120 Air Squats*

* Athletes may only perform squats while partner is holding a plank. You may switch as often as you like but reps are to be split evenly. If you have not finished, stop for needed rest at the 19 minute mark.

When the clock reaches 20:00…

C: 800 Meter Run (together)

Then 120 Push Ups*

* Athletes may only perform push ups while partner is holding a plate in the overhead position. You may switch as often as you like but reps are to be split evenly. If you have not finished, stop for needed rest at the 29 minute mark.

***Gat a rower out***

When the clock reaches 31:00…

Max Effort 1200 meter Row for time. Split evenly between you and partner.