CrossFit PPG – CrossFit

Saturday Partner Wod

Metcon (3 Rounds for calories)

In teams of 2, complete the following work:

A. 10 Minutes to accumulate MAX Calories on the Concept 2 Rower between you and your partner. While Partner A rows, Partner B must bear hub sandbag(100/50). Once sandbag is dropped, work on the rower MUST stop and partners MUST switch positions.


B. 10 Minutes to accumulate MAX Calories on the Concept 2 SkiErg between you and your partner. While Partner A Ski’s, Partner B must hold a bumper plate (45/25) overhead. Once plate is dropped, work on the SkiErg MUST stop and partners MUST switch positions.


C. 10 Minutes to accumulate MAX Calories on the Assault Bike between you and your partner. While Partner A bikes, Partner B must hang from the rig . Once the hanging athlete drops from the rig, work on the Assault Bike MUST stop and partners MUST switch positions.

*Score is total combined Calories on Rower, SkiErg and Assault Bike.