CrossFit – Wed, Sep 27

CrossFit PPG – CrossFitA: Coach Led Warm-Up (No Measure)Coach Led Warm-UpWarm-upWeightliftingB: The CrossFit Total (Total Weight)Back Squat (1 Rep Max)Shoulder Press (1 Rep Max)Deadlift (1 Rep Max)Athletes will have 30 minutes to establish today’s 1-RM on...

CrossFit – Tue, Sep 26

CrossFit PPG – CrossFitWarm-upA: Coach Led Warm-Up (No Measure)Coach Led Warm-UpWeightliftingB: Power Clean + Push Jerk (1-1-1)Custom MetconC: Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)As many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of: 200M Run 15 Push Press (95/65 lbs) 10...

CrossFit – Mon, Sep 25

CrossFit PPG – CrossFitWarm-upA: Coach Led Warm-Up (No Measure)Coach Led Warm-UpWeightliftingB: Snatch Balance + 3 OH Squat (1-1-1)Perform one snatch balance and three overhead squatsCustom MetconC: Metcon (Time)Complete the following for time 50 / 40 Calorie...

CrossFit – Sat, Sep 23

CrossFit PPG – CrossFitSaturday Partner WodMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)In teams of 2, complete as many rounds an reps as possible in 32 minutes: Partner A: Run 400 meters Partner B: AMRAP of the following: 3 Wall Walks 10 Wall Balls (20/14) 15 Hand...

CrossFit – Fri, Sep 22

CrossFit PPG – CrossFitWarm-upA: Athletes Choice (No Measure)10 MinutesWeightliftingB: “Pick your Poison” (1-1-1)Choose a lift or gymnastic movement you need to (or want to) work on…you have 20 minutes to master the technique.Custom MetconC:...